The Y NSW is deeply committed to ensuring that children and young people.
Safeguarding at the Y includes:
- Supporting children, young people and their families
- Adhering to child-safe standards
- Addressing bullying and cyber-safety
- Involving children and young people in the Y’s programs and activities
- Active participation and empowerment of children and young people to have a say and contribute.
Our National Safeguarding Framework is underpinned by our vision that all children and young people are empowered to feel safe and be safe at the Y, in their families and their communities. Our vision rests on the three foundational pillars of Culture, Operations and Environment (as shown above). For more information, visit the Y National Safeguarding Unit online.
Practice and Behaviour Guidelines for Staff, Children and Young People
Children and young people have the right to:
- Enjoy their time at the Y
- Feel welcome and part of the group
- Be and feel safe
- Feel comfortable and supported
- Be respected and listened to
The Y NSW staff will:
- Provide a safe space with safe equipment
- Create a space where young people feel comfortable and familiar
- Treat everyone with honesty, care and respect
- Listen, support, and try to resolve any concerns
- Provide rules so young people know what they can and can’t do at the Y
- Do whatever we can to make sure young people are protected from harm
- Respond and report incidents of abuse or neglect
- Wear the Y NSW uniform or name badge when working
We will not:
- Take pictures of you without permission
- Transport you in our own car without parent/guardian permission
- Call or text you from our own phone or make contact with you on social media
The Y NSW Standards of Conduct for Clients
We expect our clients will:
- Respect the Y NSW culture that promotes and monitors the safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults where we are all expected to speak up and ask questions about the safety of others.
- Not act in any way that condones or fails to respond to inappropriate behaviour with children, young people and vulnerable adults by the Y NSW staff, clients or members of the public. Any concerns are to be reported immediately to the Y NSW staff.
- Not approach the Y NSW staff to provide any other support or service outside the boundaries of our programs, such as babysitting, coaching services, or lifts to and from the Y NSW centre or events.
- Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person and must not make any derogatory, culturally insensitive, violent, sexually suggestive comments or use inappropriate language whilst on the Y NSW-operated premises
- Talk to children, young people and vulnerable adults and ensure that they are aware of their right to be protected and free from harm. Clients should make sure that children, young people and vulnerable adults know that if they feel they are being bullied or are concerned about the way they are being treated, they can talk to their parent/guardian or a Y NSW staff member.
- Ensure that all children under 10 years of age are supervised at all times by a parent or responsible guardian of 18 years of age or older (unless in a supervised activity).
- Not use, possess, or be under the influence of illegal drugs and/or alcohol or supply alcohol or drugs, including tobacco, to children, young people and clients on the Y NSW premises.
- Understand that verbal, emotional, psychological or physical abuse and physical punishment are unacceptable forms of behaviour at any Y NSW facility or event.
- Not engage in any sexual behaviour on the Y NSW operated premises. Any sexual behaviour is prohibited.