COVID-19 announcement re. Youth and Community Programs
Last Updated: 12 October 2021
The Y NSW is dedicated to ensuring we provide ways for young people and the community to connect, find support and wellbeing. We are determining how we deliver our programs for young people and ensure the health and safety of the community, especially given so many young people engaging with the Y NSW are yet to have access to vaccinations or are in still in the process of acquiring one.
We are pleased to announce that Cash Housie bingo is kicking off again. The Y will be working with our partner venues to ensure that we align with local COVIDSafe plans.
The updated bingo schedule is below:
Commencement Date |
Time |
Venue |
Tuesday 19 October |
11am |
Wyong Leagues Club |
Wednesday 20 October |
7pm |
Wyong Leagues Club |
Thursday 21 October |
11am |
Bateau Bay Bowling Club |
Friday 22 October |
10am |
Wyong Leagues Club |
Friday 15 October |
7:30pm |
Mingara Recreation Club |
Sunday 24 October |
1:30om |
Wyong Leagues Club |
Last Updated: 30 September 2021
Due to the recent transmission of COVID-19, stay-at-home orders will be introduced for the Snowy Monaro LGA from 3pm today September 30 for seven days. These stay-at-home orders also apply to anyone who has been in the Snowy Monaro LGA since 22 September. All Cooma Y Space School Holiday programs and other activities at the centre will be suspended until Tuesday 12th October 2021.
Call a Youth Worker will remain available during the following times: Tuesday-Friday 9am-5pm
- 0403 498 322
Young people experiencing crisis can contact:
- Lifeline (24hr/7days) 13 11 14
- Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
- Link2home 24/7 (for accommodation/homelessness): 1800 152 152
- Family Referral Service (9am-5pm): 1300 736 384
Last Updated: 17 September 2021
At 1pm on Thursday 16 September 2021, the Stay-at-Home Order for more Regional New South Wales local government areas was lifted.
This includes the Snowy Monaro LGA, which allows our Cooma Youth Hub to reopen in line with public health orders and NSW Government restrictions. For more information about Cooma’s reopening, please see below.
The Stay-at-Home Order for Greater Sydney, including the Blue Mountains and Wollongong remains in place.
As previously stated, the Y NSW Youth and Community Services are not considered an essential service and most in-person programs remain suspended. View our program information below for more details on what services are available for you.
Y Online
The Y NSW is currently offering virtual programs and have developed fantastic new opportunities for young people to connect and thrive online. We have some great initiatives including Call-a- youth Worker, Y at Home, virtual Youth Parliament national debates and online workshops. You can find out more at or keep up to date on our social media accounts.
- Youth Parliament
- Facebook: YMCA NSW Youth & Government
- Instagram: @ymcanswyp
- Y Space Western Sydney
- Facebook: Y Space Western Sydney
- Instagram: @yspace_westernsydney
- Y Space Cooma
- Facebook: The Cooma Youth Hub
- Instagram: @yspace_cooma
- Y Space Central Coast:
- Facebook Y Space Central Coast
- Instagram: @yspace_centralcoast
- Y Space Broken Hill
- Facebook: YMCA Young Leaders Broken Hill
- Instagram: @yspace_brokenhill
Our commitment to your health and safety
The Y NSW supports the NSW Government’s efforts to reduce the COVID-19 infection rate in the community. Please note that Stay-At-Home orders mean you must remain at your place of residence and not leave unless it is for an essential purpose, including:
- Shopping for food or other essential goods and services (one person nominated per household only)
- Medical care or compassionate needs (only one visitor can enter another residence to fulfil carers’ responsibilities or provide care or assistance, or for compassionate reasons)
- Exercise outdoors with no more than 2 people (unless members of the same household) and within 5km from your home and within your local government area
- Work that is deemed essential and education, where you cannot work or study from home.
You can view a summary of youth and community updates below.
The Y at Home

During lockdown the Y is providing virtual fitness resources for the whole community.
The Y at Home offers home-workouts, tips, recipes, wellness strategies and fun activities for the entire family at no cost to the community.
Stay active, stay connected with the Y,
Visit the Y at Home online!
Call A Youth Worker
This vital program remains open and accessible in the regions below. We invite all young people aged 12-25 to Call A Youth Worker if they’re feeling challenged by the current COVID-19 environment.
Hours of Operation:
Monday: 10am – 2:30pm
Tuesday: 10am – 4:00pm
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 10am – 4:00pm
Friday: 10am – 4:00pm
Phone: 0403 498 322
Central Coast
Hours of Operation: Monday-Thursday 11am-3pm
Phone: 0409 658 302
Western Sydney
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 1.30-5pm
Phone: 02 9633 8270
Book online for a call back
Y Space (Youth Hubs) and Young Leaders
There are some changes to the face-to-face availability of our Y Spaces across the state. To ensure young people still have opportunities to connect and access support, the Y NSW is running a number of fun, free and interactive online events. Join Y NSW youth workers and creatives online to skill-up and hang out from anywhere in NSW during lockdown.
Y Space Cooma
Y Space Cooma will re-open for a reduced service offering from Monday 20 September 2021. The following services will be available from Monday:
Advocacy and Support: Face-to Face support will be available Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday by appointment only.
Appointments can be made over the phone or via text on 0403 498 322 or by sending an email to
Call a Youth Worker will still be available during business hours (no appointment necessary).
Young people experiencing crisis can contact:
- Lifeline (24hr/7days) 13 11 14
- Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
- Link2home 24/7 (for accommodation/homelessness): 1800 152 152
- Family Referral Service (9am-5pm): 1300 736 384
School Holiday Activities will be operating on a reduced programs schedule.
Week 1 will include:
- Tuesday 21 SEP 2021: Macrame 2pm-4pm
- Capacity for 18 young people in centre
- Thursday 22 SEP 2021: Fun and Games Outdoors 2pm-4pm
- Capacity for 18 young people at a local outdoor venue (TBC weather permitting)
- Friday 23 SEP 2021: Movie Afternoon 2pm-5pm
- Capacity for 18 young people in centre
All activities will operate in alignment with Heath Guidelines.
Drop In remains suspended.
If you need to contact the Cooma Y Space centre, please email or phone 0428 205 552.
Y Space Central Coast programs will be suspended until 11:59pm Friday 27 August and we will provide further updates for the remainder of Term 3 closer towards the end of lockdown. Young people on the Central Coast are invited to connect with us and your peers through the brand new Y Space Online - your guide to everything youth. This digital directory is packed with everything to keep you informed and aware, inspired and active from home.
Y Space Parramatta Westfield and Broken Hill programs are currently suspended until further notice.
Uplift programs have been suspended until further notice across the following locations:
- Mount Annan Leisure Centre
- Parramatta Westfield
- Hawkesbury Oasis
Streetgym programs have concluded for the school term and we will provide further updates for the remainder of Term 3 closer towards the end of lockdown. All existing program participants have been contacted about additional services available through the Y’s local community partners.
- Lake Haven Recreation Centre
- San Remo
Breakfast Program
- Lake Haven Recreation Centre - currently suspended
- Monaro High School - currently suspended
Our community bingo programs have been suspended until further notice across the following venues:
- Wyong Leagues Club
- Budgewoi Soccer Club
- Avoca Bowling Club
- Mingara Recreation Club
- Bateau Bay Bowling
- Central Coast Leagues Club
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Y has been there for our communities. We have maintained the highest health and safety standards and will continue to work together with you to protect our state and nation. We will continue to adhere to key safety measures in line with the latest expert health advice.
For more updates, visit your program’s relevant Facebook page or bookmark this page. If you have any programming or other concerns, please contact
More information about COVID-19 restrictions can be found on the NSW Government website.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this challenging time.
Louisa McKay
Executive Leader, Youth and Community
It’s important to take good care of yourself and seek out any support you may need during this time. Follow the Y NSW on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter for helpful tips and resources to help you cope with COVID-19 and stay well while social distancing. We are all in this together.