The following Y centres and programs have temporarily closed until further notice due to poor air quality.
- Ku-ring-gai Fitness and Aquatic Centre
- Hawkesbury Oasis outdoor pool
- UNSW Fitness and Aquatic Centre (pool only)
- Ryde Community Sports Centre Sports Competition Programs
- Y Epping Learn to Play
The level of air pollution due to bushfires burning across NSW is currently rated as hazardous across large areas of Sydney.
“The Y have an obligation to ensure our staff are not risking their health and our customers are safe, and so we have made the difficult decision to close these services today until air quality improves,” Y CEO Susannah Le Bron said.
“We thank the community for your understanding.”
Members and visitors are encouraged to monitor the website and social media for any changes throughout the day.
If you attend another Y and think your area may also be impacted, please check with your local centre for any service changes.
For more information about the Air Quality Index (AQI) visit https://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/aqms/aqitable.htm
We thank you for your support and patience.
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