The Y NSW, Central Coast Council and Vicinity’s Lake Haven Centre have joined forces to bring a careers fair to the North of Wyong like never seen before.
The Y NSW Youth Careers Expo is a free opportunity for young people to check out their career choices, get inspired for the future and access support.
On Thursday May 20 from 10am-4pm, Gravity Youth Centre, Vicinity’s Lake Haven Centre and the Lake Haven Recreation Centre will be taken over by 50 information stalls and displays featuring local training and job service providers, support agencies, volunteering information and employers from the region offering industry insights and advice.
The event tackles the alarming rates of youth employment evident North of Wyong, with suburbs around San Remo, Doyalson and Colongra reporting youth unemployment rates as high as 32% in the last Census compared to the Central Coast average of 13.7%.
Y NSW Central Coast Program Coordinator Virginia Walshaw said the Youth Careers Expo aims to open the door to the range of career paths available in the region.
“At the Y NSW we’re committed to working with local industry, services and Government as a collective to support our inspiring, resilient, and capable young Coasties,” she said.
“The Employment NOW Expo will be a one-stop-shop for any young people looking to take their first step toward identifying future careers. It’s a unique opportunity to explore local career pathways and discover what support is available to help land a job or train for one.
“This will be an inclusive and accessible event with a strong focus on supporting our local Indigenous young people and those of Abilities. With almost 300 students already booked in the Youth Careers Expo is not to be missed!”
The Y NSW first zeroed in on youth unemployment on the Coast last year, upskilling 62 young people with essential skills like their White Card, Barista and First Aid certifications thanks to funding from Central Coast Council.
CEO of the Y NSW Susannah Le Bron said the event was an extension of the organisation’s focus on keeping young people in jobs throughout the pandemic and beyond.
“At the Y NSW more than 40% of our workforce across our Out of School Hours Care, Recreation Centres and Youth and Community Services is under the age of 25,” Mrs Le Bron said.
“As a major employer and advocate for young people in NSW, we are committed to pushing back against these staggering youth unemployment and disengagement rates to support the long term economic, social and mental wellbeing of the Central Coast.”
For more information visit the brand new website for everything youth on the Central Coast: https://yspaceonline.ymcansw.org.au/
The project is proudly sponsored by Central Coast Council and Vicinity Centres Lake Haven and supported by HIT 101.3.
WHAT: Employment NOW Youth Careers Expo
WHERE: Check-in at the Y NSW marquee at Gravity Youth Centre to receive a site map and guide
WHEN: 10am-4pm, Thursday May 20, 2021
WHO: Anyone aged 15+, bookings not required
MEDIA: Madeleine Clarke | 0400 974 816