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The Importance of Connection

30 Jun 2021 - Y WellbeingY Youth

Connections matter, connection is an extremely important tool to use in times of uncertainty, when we feel lost, at our lowest and darkest. Having that connection with something or someone has the power to restore our confidence and to turn the light back on in those dark moments.

Loneliness for most can become a dark and scary place, and in times like we are experiencing right now, loneliness can become all too real. Isolation is not what humans are meant for; it does not sit well with us. Connection is key, connection has the power to turn our moods around, to give back that pep in our step, to give us that sense of purpose and belonging, connection is great for our mental health, and helps build mental fitness.

It is all too easy at times to disconnect ourselves from the world around us, we turn on the news and all we see at times are the bad things that are happening around the world. Covid 19 has changed the way societies around the world are moving forward, we seem to have lost normality in our lives, But, through change, comes growth. Every negative in life has a positive just waiting to be found and experienced, life is all about lessons. We learn from the hardships in life, and right now, 2021 is a hardship, but as they say, growth comes from change.

Now more than ever connection is so important, reaching out to a loved one, a family member, a friend, a mate, anyone that can help put that smile back on your face. Anyone who can help you regain that confidence in yourself that you may be lacking right now is so important, because connection is key.

Connection is also a way of strengthening our existing relationships, checking up on a family member or friend can show incredible love and compassion, you can show people you really care by simply reaching out and saying “Hello, how are you?” it is a simple gesture, but it has the potential to change lives, yours, and theirs. We all have the one person in our lives that when we hear their voice, it changes our mood, it uplifts us, takes us to our happy place, we could be in a bad mood, in a dark place, stressed, scared, lonely, thinking no one cares about us, but when we hear that voice, those feelings all fade away, that’s because, yep you guessed it, connection is the key.

We all want to feel like we belong to something, that sense of connection to others, that feeling of brotherhood or sisterhood, we are only human, of course we want to feel like we belong, like we are wanted, like we are needed, its human nature. Connection is the key, through connection we can find our purpose, through connection we can help others find theirs. Staying connected to each other is vital, it helps us all grow and flourish. Connection is the key.

So, our question to you is this,

Who will you connect with today?

Reach out to that person in your life that makes you smile, that person or people that make you feel special about who you are, a simple check-up can make all the difference in someone’s life, by connecting with people, we can change lives, for the better.

For more information about the importance of connection, be sure to check out our Uplift program, run by our amazing Y Youth workers.

Written by Ryan Tanti | The Y NSW

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